Discover a cost-effective solution to local hiring.


«Employee turnover costs Canadian businesses $15 billion.»
Source: Jobboom

A shrinking local workforce

Few companies can claim not to be suffering from a shortage of manpower. Too often, a candidate is hired not because he’s the best, but because he’s the only one… This race to the bottom costs a fortune, literally. Fortunately, there are solutions. Solutions that become accessible as soon as we open our horizons. What’s more, our recruitment agency’s rates are extremely competitive.

International recruitment: multiple financial benefits


The majority of companies that have recruited internationally confirm that retaining foreign workers brings economies of scale. And the reason is simple. Work permits are issued for an average of 24 months, and sometimes even 36 months, excluding the possibility of renewal. What’s more, the permit is tied to the hiring company. In so doing, the employee is bound to the company legally, but also by a bond of the heart, as workers show great gratitude to the employer who has offered them the opportunity of a better life.


By welcoming a foreign worker, you’re not only offering him or her a job, but more importantly, an invaluable quality of life. It’s not surprising that, when their permit expires, the majority of newcomers apply for a renewal of their permit or for permanent residency, if the worker meets the requirements.

And that’s not all: recognition of the employer also translates into a high level of motivation and willingness to work. They are usually the first to volunteer to work overtime, and adapt very well to less conventional schedules, such as evening, night or weekend work. And that’s not all: employer recognition also results in a high level of motivation and willingness to work. They are usually the first to volunteer to work overtime, and adapt very well to less conventional schedules, such as evening, night or weekend work.


The arrival of a foreign worker also brings a breath of fresh air into companies. This energy quickly spreads throughout the company and has a very positive impact on all employees, particularly in terms of motivation and work ethic. Not surprisingly, companies that promote cultural diversity are 35% more financially successful.


Finally, the turnkey formula offered by GTC will certainly be more profitable for you than if you were to take charge of the entire process yourself. In fact, a company that chooses to engage in an international recruitment process on its own will have to assume legal fees, take charge of various tedious government administrative procedures, organize the recruitment campaign, take part in an international mission, free itself from its duties for two to three weeks to go on site, plan and conduct the interviews, and organize the work permit application process and the employment contract. If this process is approved by the various government authorities, the company must plan and take charge of the steps involved in perfecting the candidate’s language skills, relocating him or her and getting him or her on Canadian soil, in addition to providing support for the many aspects of the candidate’s integration into his or her host country (registering for health insurance, obtaining a social insurance number, opening a bank account, obtaining a telephone line, purchasing furnishings and clothing suited to the season, where applicable, etc.). There’s no room for error, and no guarantees. Entrusting this complex process to seasoned experts significantly reduces these costs, and gives you peace of mind.

How much does it cost to recruit a foreign worker?

It’s a fair and natural question. There’s no single answer, however, as there are many factors to consider when it comes to our recruitment agency’s rates, including :

  • the services you are interested in;

  • the number of workers to be recruited;

  • country of origin ;

  • the candidate’s level of specialization.

Our replacement guarantee

A candidate replacement guarantee is also available at a slight additional cost. This covers a period of three months in the case of a layoff, and six months in the case of a voluntary departure. Contact us to find out more or for a needs assessment.


Trust our foreign worker recruitment service for the most efficient overseas recruitment experience.